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Bach Flower Therapy


…and receive an introduction to all 38 Bach-Flower Essences.

If you are interested in learning the Bach-Flower modality for personal or professional use, please find my courses at NaturopathicCE


Bach Flower Therapy can be used for your emotional and mental well-being, as treatment in stress and crisis situations, or for acute and chronic diseases.

Depending on your needs, I will prepare for you a personalized formula that will restore the balance you are looking for.

Bach Flower Therapy is a healing modality based on 38 wildflower essences for transforming blocked emotions and thought patterns, such as fear, worry, hopelessness, stress, anger, trauma, etc.  They were discovered by the British physician Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) to set the body’s own healing forces free and gently restore the harmony between body, mind, and spirit.

I have been a leading expert in Bach-Flower Essences for over 40 years, utilizing the modality in my holistic health practice, and teaching it nationally and internationally.

Depending on your needs, I will prepare for you a personalized formula that will restore the balance you are looking for.